伦敦留学买房攻略中介 位于英国的留学中介,伦敦口碑好的机构有哪些 2024-08-30 16:19:43 0 0 一、留学英国住宿怎么解决英国留学生在外学习时,一般可以通过三种途径解决住房问题:一是申请学校宿舍。学校宿舍虽然费用低,上课方便,但属于数量有限,先到先得。所以想住宿舍的留学生一定要及时关注申请开放时间,越早申请越好,晚了就只能寻找其他途径了。二是找寄宿家庭。所谓寄宿家庭,就是进入当地家中与他们一起生活。选择寄宿家庭可以快速融入当地生活,提高语言能力,并且生活设施较为完善,可以省下不少钱。但要注意尊重房东的生活习惯和当地的文化习俗,以免闹出什么不愉快。三是在校外租房或买房。校外租房比较自由,留学生可以有更多的独立空间,如果觉得费用较贵也可以找同学、朋友同居,一起分担房租。二、房子结构的英文与房屋有关词汇英汉对照House(房子)House(房子) semi-detached house半独立式房子(一栋房子从中间隔开,成为两户人家,花园也用篱笆隔开) detached house独立式房子(一家拥有) terraced houses/ row houses连栋房屋(互相连接的一排房屋;两幢之间只有一层墙壁相隔) fence篱笆 front door房子前门 garage车库 driveway车库通向马路的空地 Flat/Apartment(公寓) block of flats公寓楼 ground floor第一层 first floor第二层 lift/elevator电梯 stairs楼梯 steps楼外的台阶 balcony阳台 Renting(租房)你如果打算租房子,不妨进来看一下这一段对话,看房的时候就知道跟房东说什么了。 landlord房东 rent房租 House Leasing Contract房屋合同 deposit定金 furnished house/ apartment有家具的房子/公寓 unfurnished house/ apartment无家具的房子/公寓 a vacant room/ a spare room空房 single room单人间 double room双人间 utilities水、电、煤气和垃圾处理等费用 flatmate合住一套公寓的人;合租者 letting agency房屋中介 agency fee中介费海外留学租房三攻略 home stay寄宿家庭(指和房东住在一起,由房东提供食宿) university accommodation学校宿舍(住在大学提供的宿舍里) private accommodation私人住房 Room(房间) cozy温馨的 living room/lounge起居室;客厅 bedroom卧室 main bedroom主卧 carpet地毯 coffee table(置于沙发前的)茶几 armchair单人沙发 sofa沙发 remote control遥控器 radiator暖气片 central heating中央供暖 fridge/ freezer冰箱 kettle电烧水壶stool厨房高脚椅 oven烤箱 dishwasher洗碗机 tap水龙头 sink洗碗池 cupboard橱柜 shower淋浴/冲凉 bath浴缸 bathroom卫生间 main bathroom主卫 toilet马桶 Buy a(an)flat/ apartment买房 real estate房地产 mortgage按揭(指向银行借长期抵押贷款,用来买房子) down payment首付 completed apartment/flat现房(指已建好供销售的房子) forward housing delivery期房 resold apartment二手房 affordable housing经济适用房 housing price房价Houses(独立房子/洋房/双层小楼) semi-detached house一栋房子从中间隔开,成为两户人家,花园也用篱笆隔开 detached house一栋独立房子一家拥有 terraced houses一排连接起来的房子,有些像公寓,在伦敦多见 fence篱笆 gate前花园篱笆上的门 front door房子前门 roof屋顶 garage车库 drive车库通向马路的空地 Flats(公寓) block of flats楼房 ground floor第一层 first floor第二层 lift电梯 stairs楼梯 steps楼外的台阶 balcony阳台 Renting(租房) landlord房东 the rent房租 contract合同 furnished有家具(家私)的房子 unfurnished无家具(家私)的房子 Describing a flat or house(房屋描述) cozy本意温馨的,实际上是说房子很小 draughty冷风阵阵(因为窗子装配不好) central heating中央供暖 near station离近火车站,往往离市中心较远 Rooms(房间) living room/lounge起居室 carpet地毯 coffee table茶几 armchair单人沙发 sofa沙发 remote control遥控器 fridge冰箱 freezer冷冻冰箱 kettle电烧水壶 stool厨房高脚椅 oven烤箱 dishwasher洗碗机 tap水龙头 sink洗碗池 cupboard橱柜 shower淋浴/冲凉 bath浴缸 toilet马桶买房时看房子的英语对话陈太太签署看楼协议书后,詹姆士·威尔逊带陈太太到约翰逊先生的房子实地看视。他们按了门铃。A--Agent James Wilson物业代理詹姆士·威尔逊S--Seller Mr. Johnson卖家约翰逊先生B--Buyer Mrs. Chen买家陈太太A: Hello, Mr. Johnson, I am with Mrs. Chen to view your house.您好,约翰逊先生。这是陈太太,她来看看您的房子。S: Please come in and feel free to take a look around the house.请进来随便参观一下。A: Mrs. Chen, as you can see, the decoration is in perfect condition. The kitchen is on your left. Look! It is so big five people could sit here.(They walk to the living room) The layout of the flat consists of one dining room, one living room, one master bedroom and two bedrooms. The gross area of this unit is nine hundred and thirteen square feet.陈太太,这套房子装修挺好的,厨房就在左边。看,厨房可以容纳五个人。(他们步入客厅)。这套房子的基本设计为三室二厅,一个客厅,一个饭厅,一间主卧和两间客房。建筑面积是九百一十三平方英尺。B: Does this apartment face south?这房子是向南的吗?A: The living room faces south and the bedrooms face north. Mrs. Chen, what do you think of this unit? It has a beautiful hill view and a quiet environment. Also, Tai Koo Shing has many amenities such as a grand shopping mall, wonderful playground, residents club, four standard tennis courts and a few supermarkets.客厅向南,卧室向北。陈太太,你觉得这套房子怎么样?这房子面向山景,风景不错,环境安静。而且小区配套设施齐备,有大型购物商场,儿童游乐场,业主会所,四个标准网球场,超级市场等等。B: Great!很好。A: May I ask if your interest in the unit is for investment or self-use?陈太太,你买这房子是投资还是自用呢?B: The purpose is for investment because I hear from my friend that the rental return for Tai Koo Shing is not bad.我的目的是投资,因为我听说太古城的房屋租金回报不错。A: Sure, Mrs. Chen, the rent for this unit is around thirty-five thousand Hong Kong dollars. The yield is almost ten percent. Many Japanese and Westerners love to live here. It's only because Mr. Johnson must go back to England that he has to sell this unit.这是肯定的。陈太太,这套房子每月租金约三万五千元,回报率可达百分之十。因为日本人和西方人喜欢住在这里。因为约翰逊先生必须回英国,否则他可不愿意卖这房子的。B: I understand. The flat is in good condition and I don't have to redecorate it later. But, I've got to discuss it with my husband first. Mr. Wilson, how about I call you to make an appointment again?我明白,这房子基本情况很好,我不需要重新装修。不过,我要先和我先生商量。威尔逊先生,不如我再给你打电话再约吧?A: Sure. Mrs. Chen, anyway, I should remind you that you must be quick because I have other clients wanting to see this unit.没问题,陈太太。不过,我必须提醒您要快点决定,因为还有其他客户要求看这房子的。B: Okay. I'll call you later.好的,稍后我再给你打电话。A: Thank you, Mr. Johnson. I'll call you when I get back to the office.谢谢你,约翰逊先生,我回公司后再和你电话联络。S: Thank you. I'll wait for your call. Bye.谢谢。我等你的电话,再见。A: Bye.再见。三、位于英国的留学中介,伦敦口碑好的机构有哪些对于想找留学中介办理留学但是不知道如何选择留学中介的学生来说,可以先去留学监理中心官网获取留学中介机构推荐,在申请完留学监理之后,留学监理中心会全程监督留学中介机构办理,这样子可以规避一些留学陷阱,避免遭遇留学黑中介和退费纠纷。留学监理官网地址: 收藏(0)